Type: Conference Paper
Title: Integration of multi-criteria decision-making in heritage building information management
Authors: Fernández Resta, Laura 
Source: Tagungsband 35. Forum Bauinformatik
Issue Date: 18-Sep-2024
Keywords: HBIM; MCDM; decision-making; heritage preservation
This paper proposes a theoretical framework that integrates Heritage Building Information Management (HBIM) with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) techniques, to improve decision-making processes in the field of heritage conservation. The proposed framework employs the detailed semantic and geometric data provided by HBIM to evaluate and prioritize conservation strategies based on multiple criteria, including historical significance, architectural integrity, economic viability, social relevance, and environmental impact. The combination of both methodologies has the potential to not only technically improve heritage conservation but also facilitate informed and transparent decision-making processes by allowing stakeholder participation, balancing competing priorities, and achieving sustainable conservation outcomes. This study lays the foundation for a comprehensive, dynamic, and adaptive decision-making workflow that addresses the complicated challenges of heritage conservation.
Subject Class (DDC): 720: Architektur
HCU-Faculty: Entwurf und Analyse von Tragwerken 
Start page: 366
End page: 373
Publisher: Technische Universität Hamburg
Publisher DOI: 10.15480/882.13488
URN (Citation Link): urn:nbn:de:gbv:1373-repos-13703
Directlink: https://repos.hcu-hamburg.de/handle/hcu/1072
Language: English
Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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