Type: Conference Paper
Title: Shenzhen’s New Energy Vehicles and charging infrastructure – policies, instruments and development
Authors: Lauer, Johannes
Dickhaut, Wolfgang 
Source: SBE16 Hamburg - International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment - strategies - stakeholders - success factors : conference proceedings
Issue Date: 2016
Keywords: New Energy Vehicle (NEV); charging infrastructure; sustainable transport; policies & instruments; Shenzhen
Billions for green growth. Shenzhen, one of China’s richest cities and home of New Energy Vehicles (NEV) producer Build your Dreams (BYD), will invest 5 billion Yuan (804 million USD) in NEV development by the end of 2015. Especially for pure electric vehicles. The megacity is using electric mobility as an instrument to reduce carbon emissions while creating economic growth. Against the background to the negative effects of traffic-related air pollution in China, the key is to promote sustainable transport. Comprehensive solutions have been adopted in several low-carbon city projects that prioritize Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) strategies. From 2011 to 2020, Shenzhen wants to reduce carbon emissions by 40-45 %. To activate green public and private investments, the city leaders formulated several policies for New Energy Vehicles (NEV) and charging infrastructure promotion and application. With the development of existing fast charging networks from 1,100 to 1,800 piles for commercial NEVs and slow charging piles in 5 % of all residential and 10 % of all public parking spaces, policymakers hope to overcome the bottleneck constraint in a lack of charging infrastructure. From 9,392 NEVs by the end of 2014, an additional 15,000 new energy taxis, buses, municipal vehicles, e-car-sharing services and private NEVs are to be subsidized in the coming years. Several top-down policies support these goals, for example purchase or tax incentives connected with sanctions for fuel car number plates. Shenzhen’s challenge is to encourage citizens to use NEVs while finding the balance between economic development and environmental protection.
Subject Class (DDC): 333.7: Natürliche Ressourcen, Energie und Umwelt
HCU-Faculty: Umweltgerechte Stadt- und Infrastrukturplanung 
Start page: 1040
End page: 1049
Publisher: ZEBAU
URN (Citation Link): urn:nbn:de:gbv:1373-repos-13356
Directlink: https://repos.hcu-hamburg.de/handle/hcu/1044
Language: English
Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
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