Fulltext available Open Access
Type: Student research project
Title: Resource Efficient Urban Regeneration of Residential Areas : Comparing Formal and Informal Development : Hamburg and Tirana Narratives
Title in another language: Ressourceneffiziente Erneuerung von Wohnsiedlungen : Formelle und informelle Entwicklung im Vergleich : Hamburg und Tirana Narrative
Editor: Dickhaut, Wolfgang 
Giannousopoulou, Maria Ioanna 
Fettback, Tim 
Stefani, Iva 
Nepravishta, Florian
Veleshnja, Juljan
Dedvukaj, Ronilda
Contributor: Addai-Boakye Yiadom, E.
Adegbami, A.
Adi, S.
Aldammad, W.
Bahari, K.
Keegan, A.
Bregasi, I.
Chaudhary, S.
Chlyeh, D.
Duka, M.
Eftekhari, S.
Golemi, G.
Halilaj, F.
Hamza, R.
Hasa, S.
Hoxha, S.
Inthisone, L.
Isufi, F.
Jakaj, D.
Khan, S.
Korita, E.
Koubaa, N.
Kühnapfel, M.
Loca, D.
Lohja, T.
Lugones Guzman, G.
Malaj, A.
Mathampattu, A.
Mehmeti, G.
Mehta, J.
Merhadi, O.
Mobasher, A.
Ndreca, O.
Ndregjoni, D.
Nnadi, N.
Patel, C.
Pole, D.
Qamo, J.
Sasani, K.
Schaack, E.
Selimaj, R.
Sensu, A.
Sharma, A.
Sharma, T.
Shiplu Chanda, A.
Tayyebi Fallah, A.
Terova, C.
Tezgider, C.
Tomczak, N.
Wieland, A.
Xhelilaj, E.
Editor: Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) 
Issue Date: 16-Feb-2022
Keywords: Hamburg-Steilshoop; resource efficient planning; Urban regeneration; informal settlements; Large housing estates; Housing; east west dialogue; sustainable urban design; sustainability; Tirana
This publication is a collection of interviews and photos of residents living in an informal settlement along Lana river in Tirana, Albania and in the Large Housing Estate (LHE) of Steilshoop in Hamburg, Germany. The publication offers a first glimpse of two different housing solutions built under different cultural, geographic, socio-economic and path dependent conditions, through the visual and oral narratives of residents, workers and visitors. These narratives reflect upon the historical development of each housing solution, highlight considerations and/or neglect for resource efficient planning, pinpoint current challenges and opportunities, discuss opportunities for participation and the efficiency of implemented measures as well as what aspects could be improved.
Subject Class (DDC): 710: Landschaftsgestaltung, Raumplanung
HCU-Faculty: Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP) 
Publisher: Hafencity University Hamburg
ISBN: 978-3-947972-37-1
URN (Citation Link): urn:nbn:de:gbv:1373-repos-7578
Directlink: https://repos.hcu-hamburg.de/handle/hcu/603
Language: English
Appears in CollectionStudentische Arbeiten

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