Volltextdatei(en) vorhanden Open Access
Dokumenttyp: Abschlussarbeit/Doktorarbeit/Habilitationsschrift
Art der Abschlussarbeit: Bachelorarbeit
Titel: Hamburg Heights : Skyscrapers in a multicultural district
Autor*in: Haertling, Tony
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012
Genormte Schlagwörter: Hochhaus
The title of this study is: “Hamburg Heights – Skyscrapers in a multicultural district”. This means that it will focus on chances of developing skyscrapers in the district of St. Georg in Hamburg.
In the past 15 to 20 years many skyscrapers around the world have been built. Even European cities, from London to Madrid or Paris to Warsaw formed new skylines. Attempts of building skyscrapers in Hamburg within the last 100 years have been undertaken. The skyline of Hamburg still is affected by church spires.
Due to the relevance of Hamburg and the desire of being a cosmopolitan city it is interesting to know whether skyscrapers are actually possible. Based on the existing tall buildings in St. Georg and a multicultural population this district seems to be particularly suitable for skyscrapers.
This study is going to investigate these aspects through 3D analysis and interviews with relevant authorities and the population of St.
Georg in order to reflect on the urbanistic context, the legal basis and the opinions of the relevant population.
Sachgruppe (DDC): 710: Landschaftsgestaltung, Raumplanung
HCU-Fachgebiet / Studiengang: Stadtplanung 
Akademische Betreuer*in: Poplin, Alenka 
Zweitbetreuer*in: Kulus, Daniel 
URN (Zitierlink): urn:nbn:de:gbv:1373-opus-704
Direktlink: https://repos.hcu-hamburg.de/handle/hcu/209
Sprache: Deutsch
Enthalten in der SammlungStudentische Arbeiten

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