Fulltext available Open Access
Type: Student research project
Title: Resource efficiency and climate adaption strategies in new urban neighbourhoods - sheikh zayed, egypt
Editors: Dickhaut, Wolfgang 
Contributor: Burduh, Adrian
Jenab, Delaram
Langroudi, Pakdad Pourbozorgi
Mesquita Macedo, Rodolfo
Haveriku, Xhelona
Alhomsi, Amer
Andrucovic, Anastasiya
Todorova, Mariya
Kakue, Noriko
Teferra, Tobias
Bufi, Anda
Shoaib, Muhammad
Schnellberger, Pia
Yari, Shepideh
Köroglu, Yesim
Khishraw, Abdullah
Behera, Animesh
Fritz Benachio, Juliane
Shittu, Oluwaseum Othniel
Dreifus Zaluski, Patricia
Alinaghian, Amir Mohamamd
Rayaprolu, Pragnya
Fallahranjbar, Nasimeh
Garcia Rios, Laura
Pagliari Valerio Dos Santos, Gustavo
Mosha, Comfort
Lotfy, Ahmed
Abu Diab, Feras
Busch, Maximilian
Afrid, Saad
Issue Date: 2018
Keywords: resource efficiency; neighborhoods; cairo; sustainable urbansism; water management; waste management; climate adaptation
Standardised Keywords (GND): StadtentwicklungGND
As one module of the master’s programme, the interdisciplinary project (Project III) in the third semester annually takes place in a different setting of real conditions abroad. Our semester, the 8th generation of REAP students, had the chance to work on and in a city of the Arabic Republic of Egypt. The satellite city of El Sheikh Zayed, located approximately 60km west of Cairo, was chosen as our focus area on which our projects were later developed. The primary emphasis of the so called Project III was to promote a sustainable approach within an urban development of this desert city and introducing climate responsive strategies for enhancing the living conditions in various ways and facets in Sheikh Zayed City. The project took place as a cooperation between the Architectural Department of Cairo University (CUFE) and HafenCity University Hamburg and was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) who generously provided support for this project. This brochure highlights the outlook of six projects completed by the 8th generation of REAP students coming from different countries and backgrounds, such as architecture and landscape architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, environmental engineering, environmental science, economics and sociology. The projects presented in the following pages of this brochure are based on a comprehensive and thorough analysis of Cairo and the project site of Sheikh Zayed. Besides a functional theoretic approach, the consideration of real-life conditions and a feasible strategy were a key focus within the project development during this semester.
Subject Class (DDC): 333.7 Natürliche Ressourcen, Energie und Umwelt
HCU-Faculty: Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP) 
Publisher: HafenCity Universität Hamburg
ISBN: 978-3-941722-67-5
URN (Citation Link): urn:nbn:de:gbv:1373-opus-4197
Directlink: https://repos.hcu-hamburg.de/handle/hcu/479
Language: English
Appears in CollectionStudentische Arbeiten

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