Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 534
Erscheinungsdatum | | | Titel | Dokumenttyp | Autor*in |
14-Feb-2025 |  |  | BlueGreenStreets 2.0: implementieren, evaluieren, verstetigen. Toolbox 2.0, Essentials für die Umsetzung | Forschungsbericht | Berger, Milena; Dickhaut, Wolfgang ; Heinemann, Kirya ; Josuweit, Tom; Meiser, Nadine ; Richter, Michael ; Becker, Carlo W.; Flamm, Lena; Haug, Anna Lina; Hübner, Sven; Schmidt, Marie-Kristin; Neidhart, Nicolas; Pallasch, Matthias; Sieker, Heiko; Sommer, Harald; Eckart, Jochen; Feng, Devin; Lutz, Catharina; Schneider, Charlotte; Barjenbruch, Matthias; Lau, Philipp; Stumpe, Lone; Eschenbach, Annette; Nofz, Ines Alina |
30-Dez-2024 |  |  | Heat Loss Determination of District Heating Pipelines. A Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Methods | Artikel/Aufsatz | Wieland, Aaron ; Dollhopf, Stefan ; Weidlich, Ingo ; Pourbozorgi Langroudi, Pakdad |
22-Jan-2025 |  |  | Water Sensitive Urban Design in Hot Dry Climates: A Framework and Transition Strategy for the MENA Region – A Case Study of Alexandria, Egypt | Abschlussarbeit/Doktorarbeit/Habilitationsschrift | Moursy, Mahmoud |
3-Dez-2024 |  |  | Social Cohesion and Resilience through Citizen Engagement | Buch | |
11-Dez-2024 |  |  | “Narrative images” as a learning approach: (transformative) adaptation scenarios for dealing with urban water risks in Hamburg, Germany | Artikel/Aufsatz | Hanf, Franziska S.; Meier, Linda; Hawxwell, Tom ; Oßenbrügge, Jürgen; Knieling, Jörg ; Sillmann, Jana |
14-Dez-2024 |  |  | Geometric Accuracy Investigations of Mobile Phone Devices in the Laboratory Using High-Precision Reference Bodie | Konferenzbeitrag | Kersten, Thomas ; Sönksen, Lennart; Przybilla, Heinz-Jürgen |
14-Dez-2024 |  |  | Development of a Photogrammetric 3D Measurement System for Small Objects Using Raspberry Pi Cameras as Low-Cost Sensors | Konferenzbeitrag | Kersten, Thomas ; Timm, Florian ; Zobel, Kay |
22-Nov-2024 |  |  | Conflicts in Urban Future-Making | Buch | |
12-Dez-2024 |  |  | Interrogating Density | Studienarbeit | |
17-Dez-2024 |  |  | Accessible techniques for digital building surveying | Studienarbeit | |
2024 |  |  | Alternative Backfill Materials for Sustainable District Heating Systems | Artikel/Aufsatz | Weidlich, Ingo ; Dollhopf, Stefan ; Hay, Stefan |
30-Okt-2024 |  |  | Große Transformation für eine Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung als Herausforderung für die raumbezogene Hochschullehre | Artikel/Aufsatz | Wagner, Madeleine; Knieling, Jörg ; Weiland, Ulrike |
19-Nov-2024 |  |  | UBER IN EXURBIA: Peripheral Platformization, Post-Suburbanization and the Public–Private Ridehail Partnership in the Toronto City Region | Artikel/Aufsatz | Namberger, Fabian |
2024 |  |  | Informed sampling and recommendation of cycling routes: leveraging crowd-sourced trajectories with weighted-latent Dirichlet allocation | Artikel/Aufsatz | Li, Weilian ; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Forsch, Axel; Zhu, Jun; Zhu, Qing; Dehbi, Youness |
8-Nov-2024 |  |  | Enhancing heritage building preservation with MCDM and HBIM: A research proposal | Konferenzbeitrag | Fernández Resta, Laura ; Bögle, Annette ; Mondino, Daniel |
2024 |  |  | Water column optical properties infuence in satellite-derived bathymetry: Study case in Chrissi Island, Greece | Artikel/Aufsatz | Tsimpouxis, Ioannis; Muhammad, Fickrie; Sternberg, Harald |
2023 |  |  | A holistic self-assessment tool for circular economy transitions in cities and regions | Artikel/Aufsatz | Wandl, Alexander; Dąbrowski, Marcin; Berruti, Gilda; Acke, Arianne; Obersteg, Andreas ; Varjú, Viktor; Taelman, Sue Ellen; Arlati, Alessandro ; Grodzicka-Kowalczyk, Małgorzata; Kowalczyk, Maciej |
5-Nov-2024 |  |  | Orientierung und Nutzersteuerung in der Virtuellen Realität am Beispiel 'Hamburg: Neue Burg VR' | Abschlussarbeit/Doktorarbeit/Habilitationsschrift | Deggim, Simon |
18-Sep-2024 |  |  | Integration of multi-criteria decision-making in heritage building information management | Konferenzbeitrag | Fernández Resta, Laura |
29-Okt-2024 |  |  | Das Sozialraummonitoring als kleinräumiges Stadtbeobachtungsinstrument: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven | Abschlussarbeit/Doktorarbeit/Habilitationsschrift | Ott, Tim Lukas |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 534